In order to enhance linkages with existing projects and initiatives, diminish overlaps, increase collaborative work and deliver a higher contribution to the #MissionSoil, LOESS gets inspiration and resources from related projects:



Preparatory action

Living lab support structure

Carbon farming

Soil pollution and restoration

Soil biodiversity

Circular economy solutions

Business dimension

R&I supporting mission objectives and knowledge management

Living labs and lighthouses

Citizen engagement

Soil Literacy

Global Union of Soil Scientists 

Database & decision support tool

Multi-actors approach on solutions tested in pilot areas 

TERRASAFE (Start June 2024)

New synergies

Over the recent months, LOESS has expanded its network of synergies by establishing new collaborations with LOESS-related and soil projects. Here comes a quick glance at our new synergistic efforts:


NBS EduWORLD is a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement N. 101060525) aimed at nurturing an NBS-literate society by supporting a just transition to a sustainable future. To do this, NBS EduWORLD creates an NBS community facilitating synergies between NBS professionals and education providers, and ensuring free and easy access to NBS knowledge and resources for all.





Soil Health Monitoring and Information Systems for Sustainable Soil Management in the Mediterranean Region.

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